The fourteen-day Japanese diet is suitable for people who want to lose weight very quickly, however, the price of such "pleasure" is very high. This diet is rightfully considered one of the most strict and tough. And this means that observing it, you will have to abandon your usual diet and exclude most products from your daily diet.
Why does the Japanese diet work? The diet in this case is designed in such a way that it allows you to maintain a normal physical condition of a person, while contributing to the acceleration of metabolic processes in his body and the conversion of fat into energy, or in other words, burning it.
By the way, why the diet is called specifically Japanese, no one can answer, because it does not involve the use of either rice or seafood, which make up the daily diet of the Japanese.
The differences between the 14-day and 7-day Japanese diet are at first glance insignificant. Both eliminate the use of carbohydrate-rich foods. A fourteen-day diet for weight loss gives the best effect, however, it is twice as difficult to survive 14 days without your favorite buns and pies. It should be remembered that you can lose weight with any Japanese diet no more than 1 time per year. Otherwise, you can provoke a deterioration in health.
Japanese diet products for 14 days
List of foods prohibited by the 14-day Japanese diet:
- any alcoholic drinks;
- salt, sugar, spices, seasonings;
- smoked meats, fatty meat, fish;
- marinades;
- black tea, cream;
- processed cheese, butter;
- any animal fat;
- baking, pastries, bread (you can use a small amount of crackers several times a week);
- sweet carbonated drinks.
List of foods allowed by the 14-day Japanese diet:
- black ground coffee;
- any fruits, vegetables: cabbage, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, parsley;
- chicken eggs;
- vegetable oil (sunflower, mustard, olive, etc. );
- lean meat, fish (it is best to boil or steam, for a change you can fry in sunflower oil once a week);
- fat-free kefir;
- mineral water, fruit juices, green tea. The amount of liquid drunk per day should not be less than 2 liters.
It is not recommended to replace the products indicated in the diet menu for every day, because this diet has been compiled for a reason. Also, do not interrupt the diet for a day or two.
Pros and cons of the Japanese diet for 14 days
Advantages of the Japanese diet for 14 days:
- almost 100% weight loss result (up to 9 kg in 2 weeks);
- lost weight does not return in the coming years;
- complete refusal of food, starvation is not supposed;
- helps to eliminate edema, remove unnecessary harmful substances from the body.
And now for the disadvantages. The Japanese diet, which should be followed for 14 days, in most cases causes a deterioration in well-being. The acceleration of metabolism, low-calorie nutrition, of course, cannot go unnoticed by the body. Usually women try to lose weight in this way.
Many of those who have already tried the effect of the method of losing weight on themselves admit that in the first days of the diet they experienced a strong feeling of hunger that did not leave them even after eating food. About half of the women who lose weight using the 14-day Japanese diet reported that after a two-week diet change, their health deteriorated sharply, some diseases worsened. Therefore, before you start to lose weight, it is still recommended to visit a doctor and undergo a medical examination of the body. Gastritis is unlikely to occur against the background of a two-week change in nutrition, but in order for the inflammation of the gastric mucosa to worsen, this time is just enough.
You should not follow the Japanese diet for people with high blood sugar, thyroid disorders, cardiovascular diseases. Some of the foods that this diet prescribes may also be harmful. For example, starting the day with a cup of strong coffee should not be for those who often experience high blood pressure, manifestations of gastritis or stomach ulcers.
The diet should be abandoned if its observance is accompanied by alarming symptoms: dizziness, fainting, loss of appetite, pain of varying intensity in the stomach, intestines, nausea, stool changes, headache.
It is very difficult to stick to a certain diet for a person who spends most of the day away from home. Agree, at work sometimes there is not even a minute of free time just to have a snack, not to mention meals by the hour. Therefore, to reduce weight with this diet, it is better to choose a vacation time.
Housewives in this case are much easier. However, if you do not live alone, you should remember that for 14 days you will also have to cook ordinary food for households (they do not lose weight! ) Or, in extreme cases, be present during its preparation, which is very difficult. If you have already decided to lose weight in this way, then stock up on patience and willpower.
After the end of the 14-day period, it is important to correctly exit the diet. You should not immediately lean on food rich in calories, you can treat yourself to something sweet (a small portion of it). With improper nutrition, after the completion of the diet, part of the excess weight will return, and quite quickly.
In the event that the Japanese diet seems too heavy for you, remember that there are people who voluntarily refuse to eat a large amount of food, eat only vegetables, fruits and grains (vegans, raw foodists, fruitarians), who feel great and do nothaving health problems. If one person enjoys eating exclusively plant foods without experiencing any discomfort, then you can also stay on a low-calorie diet for only 2 weeks.